News and Inspiration for a Holistic Life and a Heart-Centered Community
Welcome to the New Year edition of The Creating Calm Network Magazine - News and Inspiration to uplift your day and brighten your world.
January 1, 2015 - another new beginning - another new page for our stories. Wishing everyone a year of love, abundance, laughter, and peace. Let's rock it good! |
![]() Tune In to Nature - Be Part of the Dance
by Ann White The Chicken Show This fall, I became the accidental owner, or at least winter residence, of six laying hens. When they arrived, little did I know the impact they would make on my life. Starting each day with a fresh, organic egg, a gift from one of my girls -- "makes me want to be a better person." Ha! What I mean is that providing them with a safe and organic home has spread into my life in that I am truly realizing the importance of organic and sustainable living. The organic food I provide for them comes out their back ends as compost for the veggies I will grow this spring. Sustainability is up to us. Many in my generation were raised to think the government would take care of us. Now we realize the government and corporations that control it are actually poisoning us with GMO's, toxins, fluoride and the like. Many have heard the call before me. My hens gave me the message. It is up to us to create healthy food sources - to read labels - to demand toxin free foods and products - and/or to make or grow our own. This year, that is my commitment to myself, to my hens, pups and planet. Wishing you a healthy new year with a clucking good time! Check out one of our great sponsors!
![]() The CCN Wisdom Center
by Kimberly Burnham, PhD Sensational Medicine We have had numerous requests from listeners who want to get to know our hosts better or to work with them as coaches or teachers. Because of this, we are creating introductory programs, offered by our talented hosts, where listeners can work with them, learn from them, be mentored by them - a great sharing of wisdom. This is a growing project. If there is a host that you would love to study with, let us know and we will make sure to connect you to that person. Let this be the year of answering questions, opening doors to new opportunities, personal growth, and tap dancing....okay, I just made that last one up....unless of course you want to tap dance. Click to see The Wisdom Center In The Kitchen With Schel Kidd
A wish for a food filled new year ..... |

Finding Your Own Truth
~ a beautiful story of inner journey
by Melanie Brockwell
Miracles and Wonder Down Under
Once upon a time - for there was always a sense of time crushing our dreams with some kind of commitment to be doing the bidding of priorities other than those our heart might cling to for salvation amidst the turmoil and injustice we perceived our lives to be embroiled in - once upon a time there lived a man named Tim and his daughter, Melanie. Now Tim was a simple man brought up with the fear of God and a healthy dose of class based humility. A cobbler, of all things, who loved to dance.
Tim the cobbler who loved to dance was chastising his daughter one day for not moving. “Melanie” said Tim, “’tis not safe to be idle in these dark times. You must learn to dance and sing and be more active lest the Devil take hold in the spaces you leave still!” Of course Melanie loved her father and wanted to do as he bid but there was something else inside of her, something that longed for her to be still and quiet and listen with the greatest strain in case it say something to her in the few precious moments her life allowed time alone.
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~ a beautiful story of inner journey
by Melanie Brockwell
Miracles and Wonder Down Under
Once upon a time - for there was always a sense of time crushing our dreams with some kind of commitment to be doing the bidding of priorities other than those our heart might cling to for salvation amidst the turmoil and injustice we perceived our lives to be embroiled in - once upon a time there lived a man named Tim and his daughter, Melanie. Now Tim was a simple man brought up with the fear of God and a healthy dose of class based humility. A cobbler, of all things, who loved to dance.
Tim the cobbler who loved to dance was chastising his daughter one day for not moving. “Melanie” said Tim, “’tis not safe to be idle in these dark times. You must learn to dance and sing and be more active lest the Devil take hold in the spaces you leave still!” Of course Melanie loved her father and wanted to do as he bid but there was something else inside of her, something that longed for her to be still and quiet and listen with the greatest strain in case it say something to her in the few precious moments her life allowed time alone.
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![]() Writing Out 2014 and Ringing in 2015: Evaluating Your Goals
by Dorit Sasson Giving Voice to Your Story I had already donated a ton of CDs, books, clothes and other knick-knacks to the Vietnam Veterans twice this past month with another pile already accumulating. I deleted a ton of emails from my draft folder including my inbox. I threw out a ton of paper from our files. I even went through the pantry, cupboards and refrigerator. I still have books, toys and other miscellaneous items, but at least I can see what I have and don’t. I guess you can say I’m ready for 2015, right? Not before though I’ve written my 2015 goals. Goals are only good if they are measurable and achievable. I focus only on quarterly goals because I know that this chunk of time will help me determine if I’m making progress towards that goal. But I also make sure to follow-through with action steps otherwise they stay “goals” and there’s no way to determine if I’ve been successful with any progress. Tonight I asked my son to write goals complete with action steps, and he said, “Mommy, enough with the action steps. Let me just write the goals!” LOL. Read More |
![]() Vegan 2015
by Frances Micklem Healing From Harmony Hall New Directions I am recommending a plant-based diet…again! I just watched Cowspiracy, to be found on! It shows how fossil fuels etc account for 13% of global warming but animal agriculture is responsible for up to 51%. It doesn't mention Ireland in the film but here, animal agriculture is responsible for about 35% of Ireland's emissions already, so don't go thinking that because we don't have massive factory farms we're not doing any harm. The environmental damage is caused by the methane gas they release and the muck running off into the waterways…let alone all the water the industry uses - 100 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of milk! So please don't go expanding a herd! More intensive farming makes matters much worse for everyone. Read More |
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