Buckle Up! Here We Go!
Ever want to change your life?
Or need to?
Well, I sure did. And I do believe I found a key that has transformed not only my life, but may very well transform yours. So buckle up. It's a wild ride to health and fitness.
And by way of a caveat - no, I am not there yet. I have a long way to go. So why am I presumptuous enough to start a blog about this journey:
What I will be sharing in this blog is everything KETO! I will share not only my journey but research as to how and why the Ketogenic diet works; recipes, and weird stuff I have made that is easy and keto friendly; triumphs, and set backs and how to deal with them.
The first thing we need to do in any successful endeavor is figure out our WHY. Why are we doing this? If our why is important enough, we will succeed. If it is a wimpy why, we won't. Easy as that.
My why was my health. Let me share with you my month of July:
On July 5, 2018 I woke up and struggled to get out of bed. My body hurt at every move. What the heck happened during the night? I went to sleep feeling normal and woke up with excruciating joint pain in practically every joint of my body…except my elbows. I finally got my feet to the ground, but standing up hurt; walking hurt; moving hurt; sitting still hurt.
What the heck was this?
I live with 7 dogs and they do their business on a large washable potty pad in the loft. Each morning I would squat to pick up their mess and flush it down the toilet. But this morning, I couldn't squat! My knees felt so swollen there was no way I could bend them, even a little. I was able to bend over to clean up the loft, but with lots of pain
Unfortunately, at this same time, a colleague of mine at work was admitted to the hospital with appendicitis so as long as I was alive, I had to go to work.
I needed 4 Advil - 800 mgs to cut the pain. As soon as it began wearing off - I needed more. I knew I couldn't live like this. I'd blow out my stomach and stress my liver. But it got me through my work days -- well, until about 4 when I was practically in tears. I work in a bead store, typically a joyful place but it was hard to be joyful and walk around the store with customers when I was in so much pain.
On my off hours, I Googled myself crazy looking for causes, diagnoses and solutions. Of course, I had every, or many, rheumatologically diseases - and realistically, none of them
I truly thought it was "Curtains!" for me. I thought my life as I knew it was over and that old age struck me down at age 68. I started thinking about selling my home for a single story.
I also started looking at the possibility of creating a bedroom downstairs - which would mean in my living room. But if I felt that bad,I didn't need a living room because I wasn't living as I knew living to be.
I also started looking at canes, walkers and wheel chairs.
Fortunately, I contacted my friend whose husband is a Rheumatologist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. They began helping me by reviewing all of my blood tests. Actually, all of my blood tests were in the in the normal range (except the inflammation one) and he requested some pretty specific and esoteric tests to rule out many acute and chronic diseases that might explain my pain.
When her husband found out I tipped the Toledoes at 225 pounds, he said emphatically (actually, he yelled): "LOSE THE WEIGHT!" He recommended Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore with Eric C. Westman, MD. He said he recommends this book to all of his patients.
I started Keto the moment I got this email - at 3 p.m. August 3rd. By August 6th, I noticed my pain was subsiding. Was it a fluke? By August 7th, I was pain free! And I've been pain free ever since.
In my first month, I lost 25 pounds and 7 inches. Is that my why? Kinda, sorta. But my real why is that I never, ever want to feel that much pain again.
For me, Keto not only helps me lose and continue losing fat, but I also have more energy, sleep better and am pain free. I am Keto for life.
Want to join me? Sign up for my free newsletter (on that annoying little pop-up when you open this site.) Comment below and let me know your experiences - your successes and struggles. We are not alone - let's get together and rock this lifestyle!
Please forward this to anyone you know who is interested, or should be, in the Keto lifestyle.
Small Print: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet. My opinions are just that. I frequent Google and read lots of articles on health and wellness. We all need to be proactive when it comes to our health. Check things out for your self and/or find a doctor who is savvy on non-Big Pharma nutrition.
Or need to?
Well, I sure did. And I do believe I found a key that has transformed not only my life, but may very well transform yours. So buckle up. It's a wild ride to health and fitness.
And by way of a caveat - no, I am not there yet. I have a long way to go. So why am I presumptuous enough to start a blog about this journey:
- I believe in it - after working my way through the shear unbelieability of it.
- I have made serious progress.
- Because I am a research nerd and love to share ideas.
- And mostly because so many people are asking me about this journey that blogging is the easiest way to share.
What I will be sharing in this blog is everything KETO! I will share not only my journey but research as to how and why the Ketogenic diet works; recipes, and weird stuff I have made that is easy and keto friendly; triumphs, and set backs and how to deal with them.
The first thing we need to do in any successful endeavor is figure out our WHY. Why are we doing this? If our why is important enough, we will succeed. If it is a wimpy why, we won't. Easy as that.
My why was my health. Let me share with you my month of July:
On July 5, 2018 I woke up and struggled to get out of bed. My body hurt at every move. What the heck happened during the night? I went to sleep feeling normal and woke up with excruciating joint pain in practically every joint of my body…except my elbows. I finally got my feet to the ground, but standing up hurt; walking hurt; moving hurt; sitting still hurt.
What the heck was this?
I live with 7 dogs and they do their business on a large washable potty pad in the loft. Each morning I would squat to pick up their mess and flush it down the toilet. But this morning, I couldn't squat! My knees felt so swollen there was no way I could bend them, even a little. I was able to bend over to clean up the loft, but with lots of pain
Unfortunately, at this same time, a colleague of mine at work was admitted to the hospital with appendicitis so as long as I was alive, I had to go to work.
I needed 4 Advil - 800 mgs to cut the pain. As soon as it began wearing off - I needed more. I knew I couldn't live like this. I'd blow out my stomach and stress my liver. But it got me through my work days -- well, until about 4 when I was practically in tears. I work in a bead store, typically a joyful place but it was hard to be joyful and walk around the store with customers when I was in so much pain.
On my off hours, I Googled myself crazy looking for causes, diagnoses and solutions. Of course, I had every, or many, rheumatologically diseases - and realistically, none of them
I truly thought it was "Curtains!" for me. I thought my life as I knew it was over and that old age struck me down at age 68. I started thinking about selling my home for a single story.
I also started looking at the possibility of creating a bedroom downstairs - which would mean in my living room. But if I felt that bad,I didn't need a living room because I wasn't living as I knew living to be.
I also started looking at canes, walkers and wheel chairs.
Fortunately, I contacted my friend whose husband is a Rheumatologist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. They began helping me by reviewing all of my blood tests. Actually, all of my blood tests were in the in the normal range (except the inflammation one) and he requested some pretty specific and esoteric tests to rule out many acute and chronic diseases that might explain my pain.
When her husband found out I tipped the Toledoes at 225 pounds, he said emphatically (actually, he yelled): "LOSE THE WEIGHT!" He recommended Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore with Eric C. Westman, MD. He said he recommends this book to all of his patients.
I started Keto the moment I got this email - at 3 p.m. August 3rd. By August 6th, I noticed my pain was subsiding. Was it a fluke? By August 7th, I was pain free! And I've been pain free ever since.
In my first month, I lost 25 pounds and 7 inches. Is that my why? Kinda, sorta. But my real why is that I never, ever want to feel that much pain again.
For me, Keto not only helps me lose and continue losing fat, but I also have more energy, sleep better and am pain free. I am Keto for life.
Want to join me? Sign up for my free newsletter (on that annoying little pop-up when you open this site.) Comment below and let me know your experiences - your successes and struggles. We are not alone - let's get together and rock this lifestyle!
Please forward this to anyone you know who is interested, or should be, in the Keto lifestyle.
Small Print: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on the internet. My opinions are just that. I frequent Google and read lots of articles on health and wellness. We all need to be proactive when it comes to our health. Check things out for your self and/or find a doctor who is savvy on non-Big Pharma nutrition.